Welcome to "Luxperience with Jodie". My name is Jodie Weeks and I live in Australia on the Gold Coast. I am very fortunate to travel around the world with my career and I want to share my travel adventures with you and what I call my "luxperiences'.
Want for Nothing and indulge in everything. Life is too short...create memories and capture the travel moments that make you smile. This a journey of my truly authentic experiences seeking the best combination of luxury and adventure travel from the worlds most desirable destinations.
I am a travel blogger who wants to fill Instagram with colourful photos from my world travels and make even the laziest arm-chair traveller want to get up and get out and buy a one way ticket to their paradise. I am a girl who mostly loves to have my toes in the sand and salt in my hair. On a beach somewhere or on top snow capped mountain is what happiness means to me. Come join me on my journey.....
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